Dudes, I am super depressed. Maybe it's the daily slog to the bus stop in 8 degree weather (right now, with wind factored in, it's 0 degrees out! Exciting); maybe it's that January is a month of Mondays; maybe it's the knowledge that in the fifteen months I've lived here, I've applied to fifty-four jobs and had two interviews; maybe I'm ragingly homesick; maybe I'm just hungry, exacerbated by information from my dear Princess Slayer regarding the demise of Big Bruno's.
Whatever the cause, I need to cheer up. So here are some things that have charmed me lately.
- Presti's Bakery in Little Italy, home of the best goddamn kolachky I've ever eaten. Really good pizza too. And chai lattes. Go to there and eat of the bounty.
- in the newest Captain Marvel, Carol punches dinosaurs.
- I do actually like snow. And I hold out hope of experiencing thundersnow at some point on the North Coast!
- The libraries here are really good, have I mentioned this? There are a lot of them too!
- The Lizzie Bennet Diaries are pretty fun. Jane's impression of Darcy is one of the greatest gifts the Internet has yet bestowed.
- Michelle Obama is flawless.
- and one thing that will make me even more depressed: Skins returns for its final series in March.