I heard "Land of Confusion" today in CVS and any time I hear that song, I remember that in Gadiantons and the Silver Sword, Garth disapproves of Jim playing his Genesis tapes because they drive away the Spirit.*
No really. I'm 99.9% sure that actually happened in the story. Reason #4,923 to leave the LDS church: secular fiction is so much better. That said, I would be totally up for a snarky reread of all the Tennis Shoes books...except I don't have any of them anymore, and I'm unwilling to spend money on them. If a dear reader out there has a few copies they'd like to unload, I'll pay for postage.
*little-known fact: the character of Garth was based on my stepfather.
I would also like to read these gems, but like you, have intention of paying for them. lol
In this case I'm not sure I'd be averse to downloading, but somehow I doubt anyone's scanned them...XD
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