Time to dive into yet another book-to-movie which, should it actually occur, would invariably be described in the press as wildly overproduced and florid! This week's entry is The Serpent's Shadow, one of Mercedes Lackey's "Elemental Masters" books and a reinterpretation of the fairy tale "Snow White", being set in Victorian London and concerning a half-Indian half-British young woman and her quite-evil aunt. As this post is basically a brief break from my FUCKING EXCRUCIATING instructional technology and curriculum homework, I'm only including four of the main characters.
Maya Witherspoon: played by Archie Panjabi, Maya is a new arrival to London, a doctor discreetly specializing in women's complaints, and an untrained practitioner of earth magic.

Peter Scott: played by Hugh Jackman, Peter is a ship captain with some piratical tendencies and magic with all things of the water.

Shivani: played by Padma Lakshmi, Shivani is Maya's maternal aunt and a beautiful dark sorceress with ties to the thugee cult of India. She is bent on destroying Maya and purging all good magic practitioners from London.

Lord Peter Almsley: played by Paul Bettany, Lord Peter is Peter Scott's friend and confidant, as well as a fellow magician of the White Lodge. Lord Peter's vaguely inbred exterior masks a sharp and compassionate mind.

And that's how Diana casts it! All images pulled from Google and Wikipedia.
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